martes, 6 de mayo de 2014



-1.They must make their double bed slowly at univercity for a year -How must they make their double bed at univercity year? -How must she make her double bed at univercity year? -How must i make my double bed at univercity year? 2-They made their double bed slowly at univercity yesterday. -Where did they make their double bed slowly at univercity tomorrow? -Where did she make her double bed slowly at univercity tomorrow? -Where did I make my double bed slowly at univercity tomorrow? 3-They are going to make their double bed slowly at univercity tomorrow -When are they going to make their double bed at univercity? -When is she going to make her double bed at univercity? -When am I going to make my double bed at univercity? 4-They have made their double bed slowly at univercity for a week. -How long have they made their double bed at univercity? -How long has she made her double bed at univercity? -How long have I made my double bed at univercity? 5-They make their double bed slowly at univercity. -What do they make slowly at univercity? -What does she make slowly at univercity? -What do I make slowly at univercity? *Which bed do they make slowly at univercity? *Which bed does she make slowly at univercity? *Which bed do I make slowly at univercity?

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